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NAME OF THE POST : SRF/JRF (Four Posts only)

DURATION : Indicated with the respective project mentioned below:

NAME OF THE PROJECT : As Mentioned below:

1. Serological diversity and molecular characterization of Dichelobector nodusus and development of vaccine against virulent footroot funded by NAIP. (Tenable upto 31.03.2014)

2. Development of oral vaccine against Clostridium perfringenes employing translational fusion of immunodominant epitopes of beta toxin with heat labile entertoxin B funded by DBT. (Tenable upto 25.02.2014)

3. Indo-Norwegian project, “Evaluation of major porins, ompC and ompR of Areomonas hydrophila as potential vaccine candidates and identification and characterization of immune genes of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita” (Tenable upto 31.03.2014)

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: For JRF- M.Sc/M.Tech in any subject of Biological Sciences/Life Sciences

For SRF- M.Sc/M.Tech in any subject of Biological Sciences/Life Sciences with 2 years of Research Experience.

JOB DESCRIPTION : The Candidate should have experience in gene Expression, protein purification, molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics
EMOLUMENTS : SRF: Rs. 18,000/- per month consolidated plus 30% HRA if /NET/GATE qualified otherwise Rs. 14,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA.

JRF: Rs. 16,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA if NET/GATE qualified otherwise Rs. 12,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA

SCIENTIST NAME : Dr. Lalit C. Garg, SS-VII (Gene Regulation Lab)

SCIENTIST’S EMAIL : lalit@nii.ac.in

WALK IN INTERVIEW ON : October 31st, 2013


Advertisement: http://www1.nii.res.in/sites/default/files/project-Dr.Lalit-31oct2013.pdf

Salary Negotiable