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PhD positions in Population Genetics
Location : Institut of Population Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
Deadline for applications : January 7, 2014.
Description :
Over the past years, Vienna has developed into one of the leading centres of population genetics. The Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics has been founded to provide a training opportunity for PhD students to build on this excellent on site expertise.

We invite applications from highly motivated and outstanding students with a background in one of the following disciplines: bioinformatics, statistics, evolutionary genetics, functional genetics, theoretical and experimental population genetics. Students from related disciplines, such as physics or mathematics are also welcome to apply.

Topics include:
Analysing next generation sequencing data and understanding the sampling properties of high throughput technologies
A probabilistic model for bi-allelic mutation-selection-drift
Drosophila population genomics
Analysis of time series data from natural populations
Inference of selection from time series data
Population genetic inference using Pool-Seq data
Evolution of gene expression in Drosophila
Natural variation in transposable element defense systems
Unraveling the molecular basis of adaptation in Cape Verde Islands Arabidopsis
Mutagenesis in the germline with age

Only complete applications (application form, CV, motivation letter, university certificates, indication of the two preferred topics in a single pdf) received by January 07, 2014 will be considered. Two letters of recommendation need to be sent directly by the referees.

All information about the about available topics, the training program and the application procedure can be found at http://www.popgen-vienna.at.

Salary Negotiable