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Internships available for Bachelors and Masters students

Each node will host student interns interested in pursuing a research career in mathematical or computational biology at institutions located in its region.

Eligibility: Bachelors (3rd or 4th year) and Masters students

Average duration: 3 months (could be more in certain cases). These internships can be availed at any time during 2014 subject to consent from the faculty mentor.

Fellowship amount: Rs. 10,000 per month. In addition, outstation interns can receive up to Rs. 5000 per month for accommodation and Rs. 3000 for travel from and to their home place.

Application procedure: Apply online at http://nnmcb.appzone.co.in/

Deadline: February 10, 2014

Contact Information:

National Network for Mathematical and Computational Biology

Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012

Tel: 080-2293 2893

Email: nnmcb@math.iisc.ernet.in

Salary Negotiable