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Open source software is software that can be freely used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone. Open source software is made by many people, and distributed under licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition.The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a global non-profit that supports and promotes the open source movement. Among other things, we maintain the Open Source Definition, and a list of licenses that comply with that definition. Followings are the OS bioinformatics software :
A language-neutral bioinformatics toolkit built using the Microsoft 4.0 .NET Framework to help developers, researchers, and scientists. |
AMPHORA ("AutoMated Phylogenomic infeRence Application") Metagenomics analysis software |
Anduril Component-based workflow framework for data analysis |
Armadillo workflow platform Tool for designing and executing phylogenetic workflows |
AutoDock suite of automated docking tools |
Biochemical Algorithms Library (BALL) C++ library and framework for molecular modeling and visualization designed for rapid prototyping |
Bio4j Bio4j is a bioinformatics platform and graph based database built around most data available in UniProt KB(Swiss-Prot + TrEMBL), Gene Ontology (GO), UniRef (50,90,100), RefSeq, NCBI taxonomy, and Expasy Enzyme DB |
Bioclipse Visual platform for chemo- and bioinformatics based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). |
Bioconductor R (programming language) language toolkit |
Bioinformatics Learning Tutorial (BLT) Educational interactive tutorials and 3D animations for Replication, Transcription, and Translation |
BioHaskell |
BioJava |
BioMOBY registry of web services |
BioPerl Perl language toolkit |
BioPHP PHP language toolkit |
Biopython Python language toolkit |
BioRails a data management system designed to support researchers in drug discovery |
BioRuby Ruby language toolkit |
BioSmalltalk Smalltalk language toolkit |
BioUno BioUno is a project that applies Continuous Integration tools and techniques in Bioinformatics. It uses Jenkins and its plug-in API to create biology workflows and manage computer clusters. |
ontologic representation environment |
caArray ontologic representation environment |
EMBOSS Suite of packages for sequencing, searching, etc. |
Gaggle A framework for interoperability between systems biology software |
Galaxy Scientific workflow and data integration system |
GenePattern Scientific workflow system that provides access to more than 150 genomic analysis tools |
GeWorkbench Genomic data integration platform |
GMOD Toolkit for addressing many common challenges at biological databases. |
GeneProf A web-based, bioinformatics software suite for the analysis of functional genomics experiments, e.g. RNA-seq or ChIP-seq. |
GeneTalk Tool for filtering sequence variants in VCF files. Network for scientists and clinicians for expertise and knowledge exchange. Database of annotations aboute sequence variants with clinically relevant information. |
GenGIS Application that allows users to combine digital map data with information about biological sequences collected from the environment. |
GenomeSpace Centralized web application that provides data format transformations and facilitates connections with other bioinformatics tools |
GENtle An equivalent to the proprietary Vector NTI, a tool to analyze and edit DNA sequence files |
Integrated Genome Browser Java-based desktop genome browser |
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) High-performance desktop tool for interactive visual exploration of diverse genomic data |
IntAct molecular interaction database |
InterMine Extensive data warehouse system for the analysis and integration of biological datasets |
Java Treeview microarray data viewer |
LabKey Server platform for integrating, analyzing and sharing data |
OpenClinica software for capturing and managing data in clinical trials |
|||| PromKappa (Promoter analysis by Kappa) software program used for promoter pattern generation and promoter analysis. |
MeV: Multi-Experiment Viewer a desktop application for the analysis, visualization and data-mining of large-scale genomic data |
PathVisio a desktop software for drawing, analysis and visualization of biological pathways |
REDCRAFT software for determining tertiary protein structure given assigned Residual Dipolar Coupling data |
SAM Tools Data format (SAM) and accompanying tool suite, for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments |
Sequence assembly, editing and analysis, primarily consisting of gap4, gap5 and spin. |
Software package for analyzing metagenomic profiles that promotes ‘best practices’ in choosing appropriate statistical techniques and reporting results. |
An open-source R/Bioconductor package for omics data analysis using a supra-hexagonal map |
Tool for designing and executing workflows |
TGAC Browser Genome Browser, visualisation solutions for big data in the genomic era |
T-REX WebServer Bioinformatics and phylogenetics webserver (NJ, PhyML, RAxML, MAFFT, MUSCLE, Newick viewer, Horizontal gene transfer detection, Reticulograms, Substitution models) |
integrated bioinformatics tools |
Visomics bioinformatics tools for omics data |
Genome Analysis Toolkit 1.0 (GATK 1.0) a software package to analyse next-generation resequencing data |