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Edit distance application in bioinformatics !: Revision

There are other popular measures of edit distance, which are calculated using a different set of allowable edit operations. For instance,


use Text::Levenshtein qw(distance);

 print distance("foo","four");
 # prints "2"

 my @words     = qw/ four foo bar /;
 my @distances = distance("foo",@words);

 print "@distances";
 # prints "2 0 3"

use Algorithm::LCSS qw( LCSS CSS CSS_Sorted );
    my $lcss_ary_ref = LCSS( \@SEQ1, \@SEQ2 );  # ref to array
    my $lcss_string  = LCSS( $STR1, $STR2 );    # string
    my $css_ary_ref = CSS( \@SEQ1, \@SEQ2 );    # ref to array of arrays
    my $css_str_ref = CSS( $STR1, $STR2 );      # ref to array of strings
    my $css_ary_ref = CSS_Sorted( \@SEQ1, \@SEQ2 );  # ref to array of arrays
    my $css_str_ref = CSS_Sorted( $STR1, $STR2 );    # ref to array of strings