Alternative content
Follow this:
Your web server does not have permission to create the settings.php file in your installation directory. You have two choices:
1. Change the permissions on the elgg-config directory of your Elgg installation
2. Copy the file elgg-config/settings.example.php to elgg-config/settings.php and follow the instructions in it for setting your database parameters.
To resolve this --
Change the permision
chmod 777 elgg-config
Your server does not support automatic testing of the rewrite rules and your browser does not support checking via JavaScript. You can continue the installation, but you may experience problems with your site. You can manually test the rewrite rules by clicking this link: test. You will see the word success if the rules are working.
create a .httaccess
and provide detail in it
Installation of Elgg
(Note: Elgg requires installing an instance of MySQL.)
Steps to make adjustment and disposal of trial installations easier.
At this point, we assume you've set up your MySQL database
mysql> grant all privileges on elggalpha.* to 'elggalphauser'@'moxie' -> identified by 'secretpassword';
cd mkdir -p elgg/alpha/data chmod -R 755 elgg/alpha/data
Welcome Installing Elgg has 6 simple steps and reading this welcome is the first one! If you haven't already, read through the installation instructions included with Elgg (or click the instructions link at the bottom of the page). If you are ready to proceed, click the Next button.
Requirements check Your server failed the requirements check. After you have fixed the below issues, refresh this page. Check the troubleshooting links at the bottom of this page if you need further assistance. PHP
Web server
cp -ip .htaccess temp-htaccess rm .htaccess mv temp-htaccess .htaccess
Database installation If you haven't already created a database for Elgg, do that now. Then fill in the values below to initialize the Elgg database. Database Username
User that has full priviledges to the MySQL database that you created for Elgg
Database Password
Password for the above database user account
Database Name
Name of the Elgg database
Database Host
Hostname of the MySQL server (usually localhost)
‡You might need to use for the host
if you haven't set up MySQL as we've done.
Database Table Prefix
The prefix given to all of Elgg's tables (usually elgg_)
Configure site
We need some information about the site as we configure Elgg. If you haven't created a data directory for Elgg, you need to do so now.
Site Name
The name of your new Elgg site
Site Email Address
Email address used by Elgg for communication with users
Site URL
The address of the site (Elgg usually guesses this correctly)
Elgg Install Directory
The directory where you put the Elgg code (Elgg usually guesses this correctly)
Data Directory
The directory that you created for Elgg to save files (the permissions on this directory are checked
when you click Next)
Default Site Access
The default access level for new user created content
Create admin account
It is now time to create an administrator's account.
Display Name
The name that is displayed on the site for this account
Email Address
Account username used for logging in
Account password must be at least 6 characters long
Password Again
Retype password to confirm