ArrayGen is offering an Internship Program for Post graduate Bioinformatics / Biotechnology students and professionals. ArrayGen Technologies provide an excellent opportunity to gain research experience and explore if a scientific career is right... - lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads... - The Gene NEighborhood Scoring Tool (G-NEST) combines genomic location, gene expression, and evolutionary sequence conservation data to score putative gene neighborhoods across all window sizes. Primary author of final code = William F. Martin.... - DAVI consists of models for both global and local alignment and for variant calling. We have evaluated the performance of DAVI against existing state-of-the-art tool sets and found that its accuracy and performance is comparable to existing tools... - perlbrew is an admin-free perl installation management tool. The latest version is 0.79, read the release note: Release 0.79.
Copy & Paste this line into your terminal:
\curl -L | bash
Or, if your... - PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms.
Relying on unique software architecture,...
Applications are invited along with complete bio-data and attested copies of certificates of qualifications, experience etc. for the one post of
Research Fellow and one post of Program Assistant under PURSE Grant of the University in Centre for... - Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based progressive multiple alignment strategy from Seqan::TCoffee.... - GPOPSIM is a simulation tool for pedigree, phenotypes, and genomic data, with a variety of population and genome structures and trait genetic architectures. It provides flexible parameter settings for a wide discipline of users, especially can... - Minialign is a little bit fast and moderately accurate nucleotide sequence alignment tool designed for PacBio and Nanopore long reads. It is built on three key algorithms, minimizer-based index of the minimap overlapper, array-based seed chaining,...