- RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The developers and expert trainers are the authors of several popular R packages, including ggplot2, plyr,... - The Bio.SeqLoc modules in seqloc are designed to represent positions and locations (ranges of positions) on sequences, particularly nucleotide sequences. My original motivation for writing these packages was handing the locations of genes in... - Some of the useful bioinformatics scripts.
For example ... is a Perl script that will automatically describe features of a sequence assembly.
Perl has a ton of command line switches (see perldoc perlrun), but I'm just going to cover the ones you'll commonly need to debug code. The most important switch is -e, for execute (or maybe "engage" :) ). The -e switch takes a quoted string of Perl...
Solved with perl
#Find the most frequent k-mers in a string.#Given: A DNA string Text and an integer k.#Return: All most frequent k-mers in Text (in any order).use strict;use warnings;my...
The question at
Script are moved to
Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...