- Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based progressive multiple alignment strategy from Seqan::TCoffee.... - GIGGLE is a genomics search engine that identifies and ranks the significance of genomic loci shared between query features and thousands of genome interval files. GIGGLE ( scales to billions of intervals and is... - MUMmer4, a substantially improved version of MUMmer that addresses genome size constraints by changing the 32-bit suffix tree data structure at the core of MUMmer to a 48-bit suffix array, and that offers improved speed through parallel processing... - G-compass ( is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2).... - P_RNA_scaffolder, a fast and accurate tool using paired-end RNA-sequencing reads to scaffold genomes. This tool aims to improve the completeness of both protein-coding and non-coding genes. After this tool was applied to scaffolding human contigs,... - pyGenomeTracks aims to produce high-quality genome browser tracks that are highly customizable. Currently, it is possible to plot:
bed (many options)
links (represented as arcs)
Hi-C matrices (if HiCExplorer is... - Often, genome assembly projects have illumina whole genome sequencing reads available for the assembled individual. The k-mer spectrum of this read set can be used for independently evaluating assembly quality without the need of a high quality... - Genome sequencing remains an inexact science, and genome sequences can contain significant errors if they are not carefully examined. Hawkeye is our new visual analytics tool for genome assemblies, designed to aid in identifying and correcting...
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