FYI, I've found it useful to use MUMmer to extract the specific changes that Racon makes, so I can evaluate them individually:
minimap -t 24 assembly.fasta long_reads.fastq.gz | racon -t 24 long_reads.fastq.gz - assembly.fasta... - Modern genome sequencing technologies provide a succint measure of quality at each position in every read, however all of this information is lost in the assembly process. Referee summarizes the quality information from the reads that map to a site... - jackalope simply and efficiently simulates (i) variants from reference genomes and (ii) reads from both Illumina and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) platforms. It can either read reference genomes from FASTA files or simulate new ones. Genomic variants... - Welcome to kevlar, software for predicting de novo genetic variants without mapping reads to a reference genome! kevlar's k-mer abundance based method calls single nucleotide variants (SNVs), multinucleotide variants (MNVs),... - You can also create Sankey diagrams with sankeyNetwork. Here is an example using downloaded JSON data: - genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files.
Linear... - Tinycov is a small standalone command line utility written in python to plot the coverage of a BAM file quickly. This software was inspired by Matt Edwards' genome coverage plotter.
To install the stable version: pip3 install --user...
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Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies (JNIAS), Hyderabad has been established by Dr. D....
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X-ray crystallography is arguably one of the greatest innovations of the...