- Provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization of the chromosomes or chromosome regions of any living organism allowing users to map chromosome elements (like genes, SNPs etc.) on the chromosome plot. It introduces a special... - platypus is an R package for object detection and semantic segmentation. Currently using
platypus you can perform:
multi-class semantic segmentation using U-Net architecture
multi-class object detection... - Welcome to the R Jobs section of If your organization has an R employment opportunity that you would like to have posted here, submit it via the contact page. Prospective employees: use the contact information provided in the... - You are requested to please bookmark collection of bioinformatics tools, scripts, codes that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex bioinformatics tasks.
The next-generation sequencing included... - This is a collection of libraries and high-quality end-user scripts for bioinformatic analysis, including working with gene annotation, collecting data scores from a variety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The... - SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high performance computing.
This page is a HOWTO guide for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7... - SAMtools: Primer / Tutorial by Ethan Cerami, Ph.D.keywords: samtools, next-gen, next-generation, sequencing, bowtie, sam, bam, primer, tutorial, how-to, introductionRevisions 1.0: May 30, 2013: First public release on... - CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it also leverages the use of R and python in background for specific modules....