www.essentialgene.org - Essential genes are those indispensable for the survival of an organism, and their functions are therefore considered a foundation of life. Determination of a minimal gene set needed to sustain a life form, a fundamental question in biology, plays a...
Applications are invited from highly motivated students (UGC-CSIR-JRF) with a background in Genomics/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology/ Biochemistry and Bioinformatics to pursue research leading to Ph.D. in the following areas;
1. Cancer...
www.ebi.ac.uk - ChEMBL is a manually curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties. It brings together chemical, bioactivity and genomic data to aid the translation of genomic information into effective new drugs.
www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk - This is about how to use a computer to find what is known about a gene of interest and also how to get new insights about it.
The tutorial is divided in three main parts:
In the Sequence part, you will see how to look efficiently for a...
edwards.sdsu.edu - if you have less time, then use three ways mentioned in bookmark link to extract/download all fasta sequences in single click given that you already have a list of GIs or accession IDs .
Alternatively, use one liner perl script:
perl -ne...
Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
1. BTIS project on, “Bioinformatics...
Junior Research Fellow for a DBT sponsored project entitled "Computational and experimental characterization of stage specific arginine methylation in P. falciparum proteome".
Candidates should have a 1st class MSc/MTech/BTech degree in...
How to download FASTA sequence for certain gene features while in the NCBI's Sequence Viewer.
Sequence Viewer homepage:
Sequence Viewer playlist: