Efflux pumps (RND family)
Functioning of efflux systems in Gram-negative bacteria
Determinants of the compound-efflux system interactions
Action of inhibitors on efflux systems
Structural and dynamical features of the efflux...
github.com - SMASH is a completely alignment-free method to find and visualise rearrangements between pairs of DNA sequences. The detection is based on relative compression, namely using a FCM, also known as Markov model, of high context order (typically...
Broad area of research:
Genome Annotation and Functional Genomics
Bergman Lab is actively engaged in the development and application of computational methods to improve the annotation of functional biological features in genome sequences....
dgenies.toulouse.inra.fr - D-GENIES – for Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way – is an online tool designed to compare two genomes. It supports large genome and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation.
We use minimap...
Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata invites applications for the following posts
2013 Oct Advertisement from Indian Statistical Institute
Post: Network Analysis
No. of Positions: 01
Educational Qualifications:
Candidate should have...
In our research, we combine computational methods with an experimental component in a unified effort to develop comprehensive descriptions of genetic systems of cellular controls, including those whose malfunctioning becomes the basis of genetic...
github.com - NucDiff locates and categorizes differences between two closely related nucleotide sequences. It is able to deal with very fragmented genomes, structural rearrangements and various local differences. These features make NucDiff to be perfectly...
Details of the Positions and Pay Structure:
03 Posts for Assistant Professor in Molecular Synthesis for Drug Discovery and Development