Each cell in our body inherits the same master copy of DNA, but different cell types use it differently. Transcription Factors help influence which genes are used in which cell. Understanding how these dynamic proteins physically interact with DNA...
In a lot of my work in bioinformatics, I have been using hidden Markov models (HMMs). As a postdoc with David Haussler at UCSC we developed the so-called profile HMMs (refs). Since then I have applied HMMs to membrane proteins (refs) and gene...
www.youtube.com - "Robert Sapolsky makes interdisciplinary connections between behavioral biology and molecular genetic influences. He relates protein synthesis and point mutations to microevolutionary change, and discusses conflicting theories of gradualism and...
Walk-in-Interview for recruitment of one Project Fellow for a period of 10 months purely on temporary basis is proposed to be held at Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram for a KSCSTE funded project entitled...
The course Bioinformatics Algorithms (Part 1) by Pavel Pevzner, Phillip E. C. Compeau, and Nikolay Vyahhi from University of California, San Diego will be offered free of charge to everyone on the Coursera platform. Sign up at...
www.niehs.nih.gov - ACANA is an accurate and consistent alignment tool for DNA sequences. ACANA is specifically designed for aligning sequences that share only some moderately conserved regions and/or have a high frequency of long insertions or deletions. It attempts...
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012
Walk-in-interview will be held on October 5, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at IASRI, New Delhi for a project “A New Distributed Computing...
github.com - This code is designed to enable anyone to reproduce the Hs2-HiC and the AaegL4 genomes reported in: Dudchenko et al., De novo assembly of the Aedes aegypti genome using Hi-C yields chromosome-length scaffolds. Science, 2017.
Unless otherwise...
The Shendure Lab is part of the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA). The mission of the lab is to develop and apply new technologies in genomics and molecular biology. Most projects in the lab exploit new DNA...