Jitendra Narayan 3700 days ago
Jitendra Narayan 3747 days ago
Jitendra Narayan 3790 days ago
Jitendra Narayan 3869 days ago
Jitendra Narayan 3943 days ago
Jitendra Narayan 4015 days ago
Each cell in our body inherits the same master copy of DNA, but different cell types use it differently. Transcription Factors help influence which genes are used in which cell. Understanding how these dynamic proteins physically interact with DNA allows us to better understand and model their binding to DNA and their regulation of gene expression. Scientific Direction by the Wasserman Lab at the University of British Columbia: http://www.cmmt.ubc.ca/research/investigators/wasserman/lab Animation and editing by Blair Lyons of Stroma Studios: http://www.stromastudios.com