The ambition of the Molecular and Computational Biology Research School (MCB) is to create an attractive and stimulating training environment for PhD students in molecular and computational biology, both to better serve the needs for relevant... - Second generation sequencing has revolutionized genomic studies. However, most genomes contain repeated DNA elements that are longer than the read lengths achievable with typical sequencers, so the genomic order of several generated contigs cannot...
This group interested in modeling genome dynamics in following topics:
---how genetic variation is distributed within and between individuals,
---determining how this diversity changes over evolutionary time.
Hence, Cox group work at the...
Live Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Abstract: Strand NGS supports an extensive workflow for the analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data. The workflow includes Transcriptome / Genome alignment, Differential expression analysis with Statistical...
For additional information visit
Dr. Joel Saltz is a Professor in the Departments of Pathology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and Mathematics and Computer Science at
Emory University. Dr. Saltz's...
fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of longer fragments. The lengths of these fragments are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants,...
Air date: Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: There is a broad consensus that cancer is the result of somatic cells having serially... - MeDuSa (Multi-Draft based Scaffolder), an algorithm for genome scaffolding. MeDuSa exploits information obtained from a set of (draft or closed) genomes from related organisms to determine the correct order and orientation of the contigs. MeDuSa...
University of Padova (URL:
A research fellowship is available at the BioComputing Laboratory, University of Padova (URL: A highly motivated and creative candidate is sought to work on... - Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads. Porechop...