- Simple ideogram plotting and annotation in R.
Basic usage:
Rscript Ideoplot.R --heatmap hm.bed --annotate annotations.bed --out ideogram.pdf -or- Rscript Ideoplot.R --annotate annotations.bed
--ideobed, i A bed file of reference...
The lab of Immunobiology of Neurological Disorders has a main interest in the biological processes associated with multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system. The projects of interest for this application involve... - YASRA (Yet Another Short Read Assembler) performs comparative assembly of short reads using a reference genome, which can differ substantially from the genome being sequenced. Mapping reads to reference genomes makes use of LASTZ (Harris et al), a...
Applications are invited for:
Junior Research Fellow, in a DBT funded project, is available in Translational Health Group, ICGEB, New Delhi
Education: M.Sc. (preferably in Biotechnology, Life Sciences or...
In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers.
NGS & Bioinformatics Summit Europe
7th to 8th October 2013
Berlin, Germany
Contact person: Kristen Starkey
We welcome you to join us at GTC’s NGS...
The Bioinformatics group at Boku University has two main areas of interest, underpinning a common goal, the study of complex systems in living organisms. To overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher... - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming...
At TU Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, the DFG Research Training Group GRK 1907 “Role-based Software Infrastructures for continuous-context-sensitive Systems” offers the positions of 6 PhD Students (E 13 TV-L)
for applicants interested in...