Air date: Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: There is a broad consensus that cancer is the result of somatic cells having serially...
University of Padova (URL:
A research fellowship is available at the BioComputing Laboratory, University of Padova (URL: A highly motivated and creative candidate is sought to work on...
No. of Posts and Specialization: 1(UR)
Educational Qualification:
(i) Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned /allied /relevant disciplines.
(ii) The Ph.D. Degree shall be a mandatory...
Nothing can add to our intellect more than reading a book. In books, we can experience new things that we would not normally be able to experience. It is proved that books can change our lives and other people’s lives. Reading can make...
The 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2014) will be held in Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. This year, the InCoB will be held earlier from 31st July to 2nd August 2014 to run back-to-back with... - Bioinformatics cover wide area of biology, and indulge in almost all sort of science related work. Bioinformatician give strong emphasis on open access to biological information as well as Free and Open Source software!!
There are several jobs...
University of Hyderabad
Repository for Tomato Genomic Resources
Department of Plant Sciences
Bioinformatics Position in Tomato Functional Genomics
At the Repository for Tomato Genomics Resources, we are working on Tomato Functional Genomics,...
University College Cork
Cork-Co Cork-Ireland
Postdoctoral position is available for three years to work on development of Bioinformatics resources for the analysis and visualization of ribosome profiling data. Ribosome profiling...
Kindly look into following webpage:
The closing date for application will be 26 June 2015.