www.sbgenomics.com - Seven Bridges is the biomedical data analysis company accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research for cancer, drug development and precision medicine. We build self-improving systems to analyze millions of genomes, including the Graph...
rgraphgallery.blogspot.be - The blog is a collection of script examples with example data and output plots. R produce excellent quality graphs for data analysis, science and business presentation, publications and other purposes. Self-help codes and examples are provided....
www.khanacademy.org - Topics
Displaying and describing data
Modeling distributions of data
Describing relationships in quantitative data
Designing studies
Random variables
Sampling distributions
Confidence intervals (one sample)
Significance tests...
http://docs.bpipe.org/ - Bpipe provides a platform for running big bioinformatics jobs that consist of a series of processing stages - known as 'pipelines'.
January 20th, 2016 - New! Bpipe 0.9.9 released!
Download latest, all
Mailing List (Google...
http://gkno.me/ - gkno opens the world of complex bioinformatic analysis to people of all level of computational expertise. This site contains documentation, tutorials and information on all the tools that comprise gkno.
More at http://gkno.me/
http://www.ub.edu/dnasp/ - DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA polymorphism analyses on large datasets. Among other features, the newly...
broadinstitute.github.io - Decoding SAM flags
This utility makes it easy to identify what are the properties of a read based on its SAM flag value, or conversely, to find what the SAM Flag value would be for a given combination of properties.
To decode a given SAM flag...
http://json.org/ - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming...
chunlab.wordpress.com - A tetra-nucleotide is a fragment of DNA sequence with 4 bases (e.g. AGTC or TTGG). Pride et al. (2003) showed that the frequency of tetra-nucleotides in bacterial genomes contain useful, albeit weak, phylogenetic signals. Even though...
github.com - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is...