- For a detailed description of the pipeline and how it integrates with other tools designed by the Aiden Lab see Genome Assembly Cookbook on
For the original version of the pipeline and to reproduce the...
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
ADVT. No: 2017-Researcher (02)
JRF/SRF / Project Assistant-II recruitment in National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
Essential Qualification: According to the DST (DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012... - HiCanu, a significant modification of the Canu assembler designed to leverage the full potential of HiFi reads via homopolymer compression, overlap-based error correction, and aggressive false overlap filtering.
More... - VICUNA is a de novo assembly program targeting populations with high mutation rates. It creates a single linear representation of the mixed population on which intra-host variants can be mapped. For clinical samples rich in...
Perl's second wave of adoption came from the growth of the world wide web. Dynamic web pages—the precursor to modern web applications—were easy to create with Perl and CGI. Thanks to Perl's ubiquity as a language for system... - GraphUnzip, a fast, memory-efficient and accurate tool to unzip assembly graphs into their constituent haplotypes using long reads and/or Hi-C data. As GraphUnzip only connects sequences in the assembly graph that already had a potential link based...
The Brent Lab is developing and applying computational methods for mapping gene regulation networks, modeling them quantitatively, and engineering new behaviors into them. - LoReTTA (Long Read Template-Targeted Assembler), a tool designed for performing de novo assembly of long reads generated from viral genomes on the PacBio platform. LoReTTA exploits a reference genome to guide the assembly process, an approach that...
To remove all line ends (\n) from a Unix text file:
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' filename.txt > newfilename_oneline.txt
To get average for a column of numbers (here the second column $2):
awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n;...
SPAdes—St. Petersburg genome Assembler—was originally developed for de novo assembly of genome sequencing data produced for cultivated microbial isolates and for single-cell genomic DNA sequencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes...