- shinyCircos, a graphical user interface for interactive creation of Circos plot. shinyCircos can be easily installed either on computers for personal use or on local or public servers to provide online use to the community. Furthermore, various...
Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Recruitment of Sr. Prof, Prof, Associate and Assistant Professors
Name of the College: Karpagam University, Coimbatore
Date of official publication: 15th April 2015
The newspaper wherein this job advertised:...
pangenome.github.io - Standard approaches to genome inference and analysis relate sequences to a single linear reference genome. This is efficient but has a fundamental problem: Differences from this reference are hard to observe and describe in a coherent way. Variation...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - HGT-Finder:
(i) can be used for HGT detection in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
(ii) can report a statistical P value for each gene to indicate how likely it is to be horizontally transferred, and
(iii) is fully automated (requires...
F.No. 4-59/2013-NIHSAD Dated: 21st April, 2015
SRF/ JRF job vacancies in National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (ICAR)
Name of Post : JRF
No. of Post : 01
Qualification : M.V.Sc or M.Tech./M.Sc. (preferably with NET...
github.com - MGERT is a computational pipeline for easy retrieving of MGE's coding sequences of a particular family from genome assemblies. MGERT utilizes several established bioinformatic tools combined into single pipeline which hides different...
Eligibility : MSc(Bio-Informatics, Bio-Tech), BSc, BE/B.Tech(Bio-Medical /Bio-Technology Engg, CSE)
Location : Kulu
Job Category : Govt Jobs, Research
Last Date : 20 May 2015
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Walk - In
IIT Mandi...