- BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available... - We demonstrate a novel approach forlocal alignment of DNA reads with respect to reference genome.For this process we have used Skip-gram model for creatingencoding(Nucl2Vec) and k-nearest neighbor for the alignment.With our new approach we have...
BLASTn output format 6
BLASTn maps DNA against DNA, for example gene sequences against a reference genomeblastn -query genes.ffn -subject genome.fna -outfmt 6
BLASTn tabular output format 6
Column headers:qseqid sseqid pident... - SequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface for use locally or over the web.
More at - A tetra-nucleotide is a fragment of DNA sequence with 4 bases (e.g. AGTC or TTGG). Pride et al. (2003) showed that the frequency of tetra-nucleotides in bacterial genomes contain useful, albeit weak, phylogenetic signals. Even though...
The interaction between proteins and other molecules is fundamental to all biological functions. In this section we include tools that can assist in prediction of interaction sites on protein surface and tools for predicting the structure of the...
Research Associate Bioinformatics in IISc Recruitment 2020
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. (Bioinformatics/ Biophysics/ Biotechnology or any other stream of biological/ physical sciences) with a minimum of two publications in reputed peer... - "Robert Sapolsky makes interdisciplinary connections between behavioral biology and molecular genetic influences. He relates protein synthesis and point mutations to microevolutionary change, and discusses conflicting theories of gradualism and...