- The RAVEN (Reconstruction, Analysis and Visualization of Metabolic Networks) Toolbox 2 is a software suite for Matlab that allows for semi-automated reconstruction of genome-scale models (GEMs). It makes use of published models and/or KEGG, MetaCyc... - A free extensible and customizable gene annotation portal, a complete resource for learning about gene and protein function. - 2/3/2020: Now published by Bioinformatics.
11/3/2019: V 0.61, Improve graphical visualization (thanks to reviewers). Interactive networks and much more.
5/20/2019: V.0.60, Annotation database updated to Ensembl 96. New bacterial and fungal... - ClueGO is a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes in a functionally grouped network and it can be used in combination with GOlorize. - The confusion about gene ontology and gene ontology analysis can start right from the term itself. There are actually two different entities that are commonly referred to as gene ontology or “GO”:
the ontology itself, which is a...
Assistant Professor Bioinformatics / Teaching Assistant Jobs recruitment in Gujarat University
Departments :
M.Sc. Bioinformatics Climate Change and Impacts Management
M.Sc. Biotechnology and Clinical Research
Department of Computer Science... - A semester-long course covering best practices for the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data from gene expression (RNA-seq) studies, with a primary focus on empowering students to be independent in the use of lightweight and open-source... - Blobsplorer is a tool for interactive visualization of assembled DNA sequence data ("contigs") derived from (often unintentionally) mixed-species pools. It allows the simultaneous display of GC content, coverage, and taxonomic annotation for... - Mesquite is modular, extendible software for evolutionary biology, designed to help biologists organize and analyze comparative data about organisms. Its emphasis is on phylogenetic analysis, but some of its modules concern population genetics,... - Motivation: Identification of biological specimens is a major requirement for a range of applications. Reference-free methods analyse unprocessed sequencing data without relying on prior knowledge, but these do not scale to arbitrarily large genomes...