We are interested in the study of complex systems in living organisms. Novel views augmenting the classical gene by gene approaches are required to overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher eukaryotes. We...
bitbucket.org - Given the potential relevance of efficient haplotyping in several analysis pipelines, we have designed and engineered pWhatsHap, a parallel, high-performance version of WhatsHap. pWhatsHap is embedded in a toolkit developed in...
University College Cork
Cork-Co Cork-Ireland
Postdoctoral position is available for three years to work on development of Bioinformatics resources for the analysis and visualization of ribosome profiling data. Ribosome profiling...
sanger-pathogens.github.io - Roary is a high speed stand alone pan genome pipeline, which takes annotated assemblies in GFF3 format (produced by Prokka (Seemann, 2014)) and calculates the pan genome. Using a standard desktop PC, it can analyse datasets with thousands of...
EMBL-EBI distributes datasets worldwide using the Janet network. This biological data enables the discovery of new drugs, new diagnostics and increasingly new agro-chemicals. Their work, which includes the 1000-genome project, has generated...
gvolante.riken.jp - gVolante provides an online interface for completeness assessment of user’s original or publicly available sequence datasets as well as for browsing results of completeness assessment performed on publicly available genome and...
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Marikunnu P.O., Kozhikode – 673 012, Kerala
Walk- in- Test cum Interview (based on test) for the selection of Research Associate...
schneebergerlab.github.io - SyRI is a comprehensive tool for predicting genomic differences between related genomes using whole-genome assemblies (WGA). The assemblies are aligned using whole-genome alignment tools, and these alignments are then used as input to SyRI. SyRI...
daehwankimlab.github.io - Resource for downloading all the HISAT2 related files
Please cite:
Kim, D., Paggi, J.M., Park, C. et al. Graph-based genome alignment and genotyping with HISAT2 and HISAT-genotype. Nat Biotechnol 37, 907–915...