- ConPADE (Contig Ploidy and Allele Dosage Estimation), a probabilistic method that estimates the ploidy of any given contig/scaffold based on its allele proportions. In the process, they report findings regarding errors in sequencing. The method can... - PBJelly - the genome upgrading tool. PBHoney - the structural variation discovery tool Both are contained within the PBSuite code found in downloads.----- PBJelly -----Read The... - Reference free SNP search for comparative population genomics: multiple samples run simultanously. **experimental phase, compiles and runs with OpenMPI-1.8.8 with Intel Compiler only
Cycles enumeration (aka Bubbles) as part of de novo de bruijn... - MyCC, an automated binning tool that combines genomic signatures, marker genes and optional contig coverages within one or multiple samples, in order to visualize the metagenomes and to identify the reconstructed genomic fragments.
More... - Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
The easiest way to install Gooey is via pip
pip install Gooey
Alternatively, you can install Gooey by cloning the project to your local directory
git... - Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files... - Tool for graphical vizualisation of annotated genetic regions, and homologous regions comparison. It is an independent recoding of Easyfig 2 initially developped by at the S. Beatson Lab []
Download the GenoFig... - COCACOLA is a general framework that combines different types of information: sequence COmposition, CoverAge across multiple samples, CO-alignment to reference genomes and paired-end reads LinkAge to automatically bin contigs into OTUs. Furthermore,... - SequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface for use locally or over the web.
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