- FlexiDot is a cross-platform dotplot suite generating high quality self, pairwise and all-against-all visualizations. To improve dotplot suitability for comparison of consensus and error-prone sequences, FlexiDot harbors routines for strict and... - The completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays, recent segmental duplications, and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies.
Research Topics:
High Throughput Sequencing Analysis
Comparative Genomics
Identification and Annotation of Non-coding RNAs
Bioinformatic Analysis and System Biology of Viruses
Coevolution of Proteins and RNAs
Algorithmic... - ReMILO, a reference assisted misassembly detection algorithm that uses both short reads and PacBio SMRT long reads. ReMILO aligns the initial short reads to both the contigs and reference genome, and then constructs a novel data structure called... - GRASS (GeneRic ASsembly Scaffolder)-a novel algorithm for scaffolding second-generation sequencing assemblies capable of using diverse information sources. GRASS offers a mixed-integer programming formulation of the contig scaffolding problem, which... - YASS is a genomic similarity search tool, for nucleic (DNA/RNA) sequences in fasta or plain text format (it produces local pairwise alignments). Like most of the heuristic pairwise local alignment tools for DNA sequences (FASTA, BLAST,... - Mauve is a system for constructing multiple genome alignments in the presence of large-scale evolutionary events such as rearrangement and inversion. Multiple genome alignments provide a basis for research into comparative genomics and the study of... - Laj is a tool for viewing and manipulating the output from pairwise alignment programs such as blastz. It can display interactive dotplot, pip, and text representations of the alignments, a diagram showing the locations of exons and repeats, and... - NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represents...To know that you have to align the sequences to the reference sequence. The reference sequence is in most cases... - A tool for converting for recovering synteny blocks from multiple alignment (in MAF fromat)
This tool is a standalone version of Ragout module [http://fenderglass.github./Ragout]