www.genome.gov - What is the epigenome?
What does the epigenome do?
What makes up the epigenome?
Is the epigenome inherited?
What is imprinting?
Can the epigenome change?
What makes the epigenome change?
How do changes in the epigenome contribute to...
www.geneprof.org - GeneProf is a web-based, graphical software suite that allows users to analyse data produced using high-throughput sequencing platforms (RNA-seq and ChIP-seq; "Next-Generation Sequencing" or NGS): Next-gen analysis for next-gen data!
Some of...
github.com - Manta calls structural variants (SVs) and indels from mapped paired-end sequencing reads. It is optimized for analysis of germline variation in small sets of individuals and somatic variation in tumor/normal sample pairs. Manta discovers, assembles...
github.com - NextSV, a meta SV caller and a computational pipeline to perform SV calling from low coverage long-read sequencing data. NextSV integrates three aligners and three SV callers and generates two integrated call sets (sensitive/stringent) for different...
qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es - Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like...