- For a detailed description of the pipeline and how it integrates with other tools designed by the Aiden Lab see Genome Assembly Cookbook on
For the original version of the pipeline and to reproduce the... - GOLD:Genomes Online Database, is a World Wide Web resource for comprehensive access to information regarding genome and metagenome sequencing projects, and their associated metadata, around the world.
When you have both Illumina and Nanopore data, then SPAdes remains a good option for hybrid assembly - SPAdes was used to produce the B fragilis assembly by Mick Watson’s group.
Again, running will show you the... - evolverSimControl (eSC) can be used to simulate multi-chromosome genome evolution on an arbitrary phylogeny (Newick format). In addition to simply running evolver, eSC also automatically creates statistical summaries of the simulation...
In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string". String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication. - AliTV, which provides interactive visualization of whole genome alignments. AliTV reads multiple whole genome alignments or automatically generates alignments from the provided data. Optional feature annotations and phylo- genetic information are... - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named... - A tool to circularize genome assemblies. The algorithm and benchmarks are described in the Genome Biology manuscript.
Citation: "Circlator: automated circularization of genome assemblies using long sequencing reads", Hunt et al, Genome Biology... - Download and install MUMmer
Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package)
$ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT
Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems
Optional: Gzip...