MGI, a subsidiary of global genomics leader BGI Group, announced pricing and its first early access customer for the new ultra high-throughput sequencer, MGISEQ-T7, saying it has driven down sequencing cost to $5 per gigabyte - mosdepth can output:
per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome.mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling.the mean per-region given a BED file of regions.a... - This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer count databases and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovB / (CovA +...
Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA) is an extramural unit of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CDSA has a national mandate... - The easiest way to get Alfred is to download a statically linked binary from the Alfred github release page. Alternatively, you can build Alfred from source. Alfred dependencies are included as submodules so you need to do a recursive...
We are the Statistical Bioinformatics group in the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. The group is led by Dr. Ian Simpson who is a Lecturer in Biological Informatics in the... - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the... - A simple, extensible, Perl script for producing figures of large phylogenetic trees.
While there are many other tree drawing programs, slacTree was originally written in 2009 to fill a need for producing publication quality figures of circular... - MEGAHIT is a single node assembler for large and complex metagenomics NGS reads, such as soil. It makes use of succinct de Bruijn graph (SdBG) to achieve low memory assembly. MEGAHIT can optionally utilize a CUDA-enabled GPU to...