We are the Statistical Bioinformatics group in the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. The group is led by Dr. Ian Simpson who is a Lecturer in Biological Informatics in the...
bamview.sourceforge.net - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the...
github.com - A simple, extensible, Perl script for producing figures of large phylogenetic trees.
While there are many other tree drawing programs, slacTree was originally written in 2009 to fill a need for producing publication quality figures of circular...
github.com - MEGAHIT is a single node assembler for large and complex metagenomics NGS reads, such as soil. It makes use of succinct de Bruijn graph (SdBG) to achieve low memory assembly. MEGAHIT can optionally utilize a CUDA-enabled GPU to...
www.ici.upmc.fr - ClueGO is a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes in a functionally grouped network and it can be used in combination with GOlorize. The identifiers can be uploaded from a text file or...
Global overview papers
Next generation quantitative genetics in plants. Jiménez-Gómez, Frontiers in Plant Science 2:77, 2011 Full Text [equally relevant to animal and microbial systems]
Sense from sequence reads: methods for...
GABi Research
The major researching fields defined as the GABi scope are described next:
Sequence Analysis
Protein Structure Prediction
Comparative Genomics
Functional Analysis of Residues on Protein Families
www.ploscompbiol.org - Centralized Bioinformatics Core Facilities provide shared resources for the computational and IT requirements of the investigators in their department or institution. As such, they must be able to effectively react to new types of experimental...
http://bit.ly/e8QGzY Human genome mapping is now enabling a breakthrough in medical innovation -- personalized medicine. What does this mean for patients? We can now identify predispositions to disease, predict how we metabolize drugs, and figure...