- Arvados is a free and open source bioinformatics platform for genomic and biomedical data. User can Store | Organize | Compute | Share the data for free. - D-GENIES – for Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way – is an online tool designed to compare two genomes. It supports large genome and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation.
We use minimap... - SynVisio lets you explore the results of McScanX a popular synteny and collinearity detection toolkit and generate publication ready images.
SynVisio requires two files to run:
The simplified gff file that was used as an... - Dot, an interactive dot plot viewer that allows genome scientists to visualize genome-genome alignments in order to evaluate new assemblies and perform exploratory comparative genomics.
Dot supports the output of MUMmer’s nucmer aligner... - Genome sequencing remains an inexact science, and genome sequences can contain significant errors if they are not carefully examined. Hawkeye is our new visual analytics tool for genome assemblies, designed to aid in identifying and correcting... - shinyChromosome is a graphical user interface for interactive creation of non-circular whole genome diagrams developed using the R Shiny package.
To create single-genome plot by aligning genome data along all chromosomes of a single genome, go to... - This tool is for users to upgrade their metagenomics assemblies using long reads. This includes fixing mis-assemblies and scaffolding/gap-filling. If you encounter any issues, please contact me at My name is Ka-Kit... - Long Read Correction and other Correction tools
This package is a loose collection of scripts. To run the correctionroutine see the section below. Descriptions of the other scriptsare at the bottom of this file.
In... - Next-gen sequence data such as Illumina HiSeq reads. Data must be sorted into folders by taxon (e.g. species or genus). Paired reads in fastq format must be specified by _R1 and _R2 in the (otherwise identical) filenames. Paired and unpaired reads...