Walk-in-interview will be held on 23 February, 2015 at 11.00 a.m. for the following temporary positions in the DBT (U-EXCEL) sponsored project entitled “Sequencing genomes of some bacteria that invade/resides in tomato plant” under the Principal...
No. ACTREC/Advt./ 7 /2015
Title of the Project
Research Associate
(One position)
DBTs Biotechnology/Bioinformatics training centre
PI Dr. Ashok Varma
Duration of the Project Six Months from the date of appointment, can be extended...
JRF Bioinformatics Jobs recruitment in Indian Institute of Spices Research on temporary basis
Name of the Scheme : Distributed Information Sub Centre – DISC
Qualifications : M.Sc/ B Tech in Bioinformatics with NET/GATE or M Tech in...
Research Associate Bioinformatics job position in Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI)
Qualification : Ph.D. in Bioinformatics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Life Science/...
Short-term training/Final year dissertation project
Candidates desirous of doing a short-term training / final year dissertation project for MSc (Life Sciences/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology or any science discipline) at UIAR Biophysics and...
IIHR Recruitment 2015 – SRF, Project Asst & Research Associate Posts: ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) has published a notification for the recruitment of Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant and Research Associate...
Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Recruitment of Sr. Prof, Prof, Associate and Assistant Professors
Name of the College: Karpagam University, Coimbatore
Date of official publication: 15th April 2015
The newspaper wherein this job advertised:...