ftp.genomics.org.cn - An efficient tool called Connecting Overlapped Pair-End (COPE) reads, to connect overlapping pair-end reads using k-mer frequencies. We evaluated our tool on 30× simulated pair-end reads from Arabidopsis thaliana with 1% base error. COPE...
github.com - Rcorrector has an accuracy higher than or comparable to existing methods, including the only other method (SEECER) designed for RNA-seq reads, and is more time and memory efficient. With a 5 GB memory footprint for 100 million reads, it can be run...
benjjneb.github.io - The DADA2 tutorial goes through a typical workflow for paired end Illumina Miseq data: raw amplicon sequencing data is processed into the table of exact amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) present in each sample.
The DADA2...
github.com - PuffAligner, a fast, accurate and versatile aligner built on top of the Pufferfish index. PuffAligner is able to produce highly sensitive alignments, similar to those of Bowtie2, but much more quickly. While exhibiting similar speed to the ultrafast...
github.com - Apollo is an assembly polishing algorithm that attempts to correct the errors in an assembly. It can take multiple set of reads in a single run and polish the assemblies of genomes of any size. Described by Firtina et al. (preliminary version...
github.com - PERGA - Paired End Reads Guided Assembler
PERGA is a novel sequence reads guided de novo assembly approach which adopts greedy-like prediction strategy for assembling reads to contigs and scaffolds. Instead of using single-end reads to construct...
derisilab.ucsf.edu - We are pleased to release PRICE (Paired-Read Iterative Contig Extension), a de novo genome assembler implemented in C++. Its name describes the strategy that it implements for genome assembly: PRICE uses paired-read information to iteratively...
github.com - Here is the command to run the tool:
python finisherSC.py destinedFolder mummerPath
If you are running on server computer and would like to use multiple threads, then the following commands can generate 20 threads to run FinisherSC.
github.com - MashMap is a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s). It maps a query sequence against a reference region if and only if its estimated alignment identity is above a specified threshold. It...
ml.ssu.ac.kr - gSearch compares sequence variants in the Genome Variation Format (GVF) or Variant Call Format (VCF) with a pre-compiled annotation or with variants in other genomes. Its search algorithms are subsequently optimized and implemented in a...