www.cbcb.umd.edu - The process of finishing a genome and moving it from a draft stage (the result of sequencing and initial assembly) to a complete genome is typically a time and resource intensive task. The advent of new sequencing technologies...
https://plast.inria.fr/ - PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms.
Relying on unique software architecture,...
Applications are invited from highly motivated students (UGC-CSIR-JRF) with a background in Genomics/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology/ Biochemistry and Bioinformatics to pursue research leading to Ph.D. in the following areas;
1. Cancer...
github.com - Mix is a tool that combines two or more draft assemblies, without relying on a reference genome and has the goal to reduce contig fragmentation and thus speed-up genome finishing. The proposed algorithm builds an extension graph where vertices...
www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk - This is about how to use a computer to find what is known about a gene of interest and also how to get new insights about it.
The tutorial is divided in three main parts:
In the Sequence part, you will see how to look efficiently for a...
github.com - HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig...
Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
1. BTIS project on, “Bioinformatics...
github.com - KAT is a suite of tools that analyse jellyfish hashes or sequence files (fasta or fastq) using kmer counts. The following tools are currently available in KAT:
hist: Create an histogram of k-mer occurrences from a sequence file. Adds metadata in...
Junior Research Fellow for a DBT sponsored project entitled "Computational and experimental characterization of stage specific arginine methylation in P. falciparum proteome".
Candidates should have a 1st class MSc/MTech/BTech degree in...