"Realizing the paradigm shift it can bring about, the government is focusing on increased bioinformatics intervention in agri-sciences. Currently under process, the national grid on bioinformatics is expected make much better sense out of huge...
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and...
Live Webinar on Streamlining large scale NGS data analysis using the Strand NGS Pipeline Manager on 24 Feb 2016
Abstract: Strand NGS includes comprehensive workflows for DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, Small RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, MeDIP-Seq, and Methyl-Seq analysis....
chmille4.github.io - Scribl is a javascript, Canvas-based graphics library that easily generates biological visuals of genomic regions, alignments, and assembly data. Scribl can also be used in conventional offline pipelines, since everything needed to generate charts...
github.com - Nucleus is a library of Python and C++ code designed to make it easy to read, write and analyze data in common genomics file formats like SAM and VCF. In addition, Nucleus enables painless integration with the TensorFlow machine learning framework,...
A fully funded position as PhD Research Fellow in genomics/bioinformatics is available at the Section for Genetics and Evolutionary Biology (EVOGENE) at the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo.
The fellowship will be for a period of 3...
ocw.mit.edu - Most of the time we face some biological problems while analysing our data computationally. This bookmark is being created to provide list of all free online courses at one place. If you know any other good online cource resources to learn biology...
http://www.ted.com We have no ways to directly observe molecules and what they do -- Drew Berry wants to change that. At TEDxSydney he shows his scientifically accurate (and entertaining!) animations that help researchers see unseeable processes...
Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a JRF/SRF position (sponsored by DBT/DST) at Prof. Jagan Pongubala’s laboratory, University of Hyderabad. Dr. Pongubala’s laboratory is...
At the Department of Informatics two 4-year positions as research fellow are available in the field of computational biology connected to the Computational Biology Unit. The positions are linked to the project “Integrated genomics - linking...