- Severus is a somatic structural variation (SV) caller for long reads (both PacBio and ONT). It is designed for matching tumor/normal analysis, supports multiple tumor samples, and produces accurate and complete somatic and germline calls. Severus... - Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs
Given benchmark and comparsion sets of SVs, calculate the recall, precision, and f-measure.
Spiral Genetics
Motivation - The human genome is arguably the most complete mammalian reference assembly yet more than 160 euchromatic gaps remain and aspects of its structural variation remain poorly understood ten years after its completion. The results in this paper... - vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data. - FlexiDot is a cross-platform dotplot suite generating high quality self, pairwise and all-against-all visualizations. To improve dotplot suitability for comparison of consensus and error-prone sequences, FlexiDot harbors routines for strict and...
Huge amounts of genotype data are being produced with recent technological advances, both from increasingly comprehensive and inexpensive genome-wide SNP microarrays and from ever more accessible whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing methods - Reads simulator
Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate reads with uniform substitution sequencing...
"The Human Brain Project’s is consists of 130 research institutions throughout Europe and coordinated through the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL)" - Artificial Life Framework (ALF) simulates a root genome into a number of related genomes. Result files include the resulting gene sequences, true tree and true MSAs. A description of ALF can be found in the following article:
Daniel A Dalquen,... - NanoSim, a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. The first step of NanoSim is read characterization, which provides...