Basics concepts of Probability: The Study of Randomness
Biostatistics is the application of statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. The science of biostatistics encompasses the design of biological experiments, especially in medicine,... - The pipeline can use information from scaffolded assemblies (for example from HiC or 10X Genomics), or even from diverged (~65-100 Mya) reference genomes for ordering the contigs and thus support the assembly process. This typically results in...
Noida 201301 (U.P)
Applications are invited upto 21.11.2016 from interested candidates as per details available on NICPR website ( ICMR website (
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) ( is seeking a highly motivated and skilled faculty member for the Bioinformatics track whose research focuses on development of methods and tools for Bioinformatics and... - EXCAVATOR2 is a collection of bash, R and Fortran scripts and codes that analyses Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data to identify CNVs. EXCAVATOR2 enhances the identification of all genomic CNVs, both overlapping and non-overlapping targeted exons by...
We are using a comparative genomics approach to better understand the structure, function and evolution of the human genome. Our group is one of the pioneers in the field of comparative genomics. We proposed the compact genome of the fugu (Takifugu... - Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. Key features of Prodigal... - YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments....