www.programmingr.com - Welcome to the R Jobs section of ProgrammingR.com. If your organization has an R employment opportunity that you would like to have posted here, submit it via the contact page. Prospective employees: use the contact information provided in the...
lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr - SEX-DETector is a probabilistic method that relies on RNAseq data from a cross (parents and progeny of each sex) to infer autosomal and sex-linked genes (genes located on the non recombining part of sex chromosomes).
How does SEX-DETector...
With the emergence of NGS technologies, and sequencing data most of the bioinformaticians mung and wrangle around massive amounts of genomics text. There are several "standardized" file formats (FASTQ, SAM, VCF, etc.) and some tools for manipulating...
bigd.big.ac.cn - 2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific...
What can we learn from people with the genetics to get sick — who don't? With most inherited diseases, only some family members will develop the disease, while others who carry the same genetic risks dodge it. Stephen Friend suggests we start...
Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology
7th ADVERTISEMENT – 2014 (2)
INSPIRE Faculty Scheme: a component of “Assured Opportunity for Research Career (AORC)” under INSPIRE.
The Department of Science and...
Integrated solutions CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...
Internship Program for Bioinformatics / Biotechnology Professionals Currently we offer positions to outstanding students interested in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Accepted students...
New Delhi-110012
Walk in interview
Eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in interview for the temporary positions of JRF/SRF/ RA, in ICAR, DBT funded research projects. Positions are purely...