- This will help us to reduce the amount of drive space we take up and decrease data transfer times
Quip compresses next-generation sequencing data with extreme prejudice. It supports input and output in... - FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores. Both the sequence letter and quality score are each encoded with a... - With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widely accepted and used to store somatic variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has sequenced over 30 different cancers with sample size of each cancer type... - With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widely accepted and used to store somatic variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has sequenced over 30 different cancers with sample size of... - A tool for converting for recovering synteny blocks from multiple alignment (in MAF fromat)
This tool is a standalone version of Ragout module [http://fenderglass.github./Ragout]
There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequences. Some methods are listed below.
Using SED
sed can be used to selectively print the desired lines from a file, so if you print the first and 2rd line of every 4 lines, you get the... - Resource for downloading all the HISAT2 related files
Please cite:
Kim, D., Paggi, J.M., Park, C. et al. Graph-based genome alignment and genotyping with HISAT2 and HISAT-genotype. Nat Biotechnol 37, 907–915... - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the...