- Some of the useful bioinformatics scripts.
For example ... is a Perl script that will automatically describe features of a sequence assembly. - mosdepth can output:
per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome.mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling.the mean per-region given a BED file of regions.a... - Chromosome number is a remarkably dynamic feature of eukaryotic evolution. Chromosome numbers can change by a duplication of the whole genome (a process termed polyploidy), or by single chromosome changes (ascending dysploidy via, e.g., chromosome... - FastGT is a program package for whole-genome genotyping of genome variants directly from raw sequencing reads. It is written in C and runs in Linux. FastGT uses a list of variant-specific k-mer pairs that are unique in human genome, counts the...
Research Associate and JRF positions in the Structural and Computational Biology Group starting 1st March 2015. Collaborative projects include work on:
a) bioinformatics, systems and computational biology
b) malaria
c) drug discovery
d)... - HASLR, a hybrid assembler which uses both second and third generation sequencing reads to efficiently generate accurate genome assemblies. Our experiments show that HASLR is not only the fastest assembler but also the one with the lowest number of...
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary post in an ICMR funded Research Project entitle “An Investigation to find out reasons for Phenotypic Heterogeneity/Variability in 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome” in... - Ktrim is written in C++ for GNU Linux/Unix platforms. After uncompressing the source package, you can find an executable file ktrim under bin/ directory compiled using g++ v4.8.5 and linked with libz...
Research Associate and JRF positions in the Structural and Computational Biology Group starting 1st March 2015. Collaborative projects include work on:
a) bioinformatics, systems and computational biology
b) malaria
c) drug discovery
3 Vacancies at Bioinformatics Centre (DIC) For M.Tech/M.Sc. Degree Candidates. Apply Before 15th February,2015
Bioinformatics Centre (DIC) invites applications for the following posts:
Job Number: 01
Job Designation: Junior Research Fellow...