Results for "UP"


  • Dynamic chromosome breakpoints !!!

    ...wo daughters’ cells. During this process, duplicated deoxyribonucleic acid...ster chromatids migrated to the centre and lined up in a row, and pulled apart us.../software/RAT/ Breakpointer DRP http://w...

    3603 days ago

  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    ...rocess a much easier one and ensure that you end up with a professional document...neric CV. I have therefore not attempted to draw up another model CV. Rather, is worth while doing your homework by looking up your prospective consultant i...

    3423 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    ...nt search committee members to have uppermost in their minds as they...aragraph on their research, and a couple of sentences on their teach...em.If you have finished, mention it up front. If not, state when you...epartment that would more than make up for your "otherness"?  D...

    3416 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhD / PostDoc / Job Rejection

    ...a good background in Bioinformatics, are passing up opportunities, you must be a...and you just can't understand why they were so stupid as to have rejected you! Th...doesn't mean there isn't another that will open up in couple of month. Mostly, j...

    3280 days ago

  • Integrated mRNA and microRNA transcriptome analysis in Strand NGS

    ...regulatory networks.Read the application note on Integrated mRNA and microRNA transcriptome analysis in Strand NGS by Veena Hedatale and Rohit Gupta. For more information, plea...

    3247 days ago

  • Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data

    ...ation (broad peaks) from ChIP-Seq data.Read the benchmarking study on Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data in Strand NGS by Rohit Gupta and Anita Sathyanarayanan....

    3247 days ago

  • Five key traits to seek out in potential bioinformatics candidates !!!

    ...eeded to properly collect, store and analyse it. Once your research group is ready to make a larger Then, explore the approaches used to deal with data provided and pick up those candidates who convey r...

    3241 days ago

  • BioLinux Ubuntu Desktop folder and files disappeared !!

    Restarted my BioLinux ubuntu computer after an update, and when I logged back in,...em and found this is a very common problem after updates. To fix this problem, fo...-qThen, open nautilus via Unity menu (press the Super key) or using the run comma...

    3051 days ago

  • Computer simulation of genetic mechanism !!

    ...hneider. from RNA-Seq data BOTTLENE...y, per a given fragment size and grouped by GC content across a geno...wide association studies.

    3025 days ago

  • BINC exam preparation tips !!

    ...ncepts as motivation, scheduling, and retention. Upon reading this section, howev...ply to everyone and thus the overall advice ends up as a broad overview of the le...ther information you need to learn. Ask ‘stupid’ question to yourself...

    2900 days ago