Results for "X"


  • Five unique traits of effective computational biologist well as biological skill, experience, and knowledge to pro...grammer learn Perl's regular expression when they started a p...logy which can assist you to explain the result and — you must also be excited about your research, the...

    3978 days ago

  • How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways

    ...owing error message. In this example, XML::Parser Perl module...ou wish to download. In this example, let us search, download...usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/usr/lib/perl5/5....sp;    : perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker  &n...

    3978 days ago

  • Installing Perl GD Module

    ...($ makeCheck to see if the following directories exist on your machine. Create th...akemake testmake installAnd don't forget to run exit to get back to CPAN.  ...

    3968 days ago

  • Computational Proteomics : Lets remember the basics

    ...enomic floods in Petabytes which is expected to be in Brontobytes in...several article on internet saying exactly what I had wanted to say... research.2. Keep handy with complex mathematical formula, before...

    3515 days ago

  • Five points for bioinformatics software/tools

    ...uo;re free to download the source code and read exactly what the program does. I...the pipeline. In addition, open source makes an excellent learning tool for any...rk, in which you deal GB/TB of data are having maximum chances of getting errors...

    3736 days ago

  • Tools to detect synteny blocks regions among multiple genomes

    ...of money and energy to read the entire genomic text and understand the gods own...tenic across multiple genomes and measuring the extent of genome rearrangement u..., E...

    2638 days ago

  • List of gene ontology software and tools

    ...t gene products do. Although extensively used in data analysi...automate enrichment job for experimental biologists to ident...rom microarray hybridization experiments. The main function Som...

    3738 days ago

  • The DNA of a Successful Bioinformatician decoded !!!

    Many blogs exist about successful bioinforma...subjective to my own personal experiences and therefore I don'...ontinuouslyAs per my personal experience, it’s not alway...matician. They are usually an excellent knowledge worker with...inished our task earlier than expected; in such cases if you h...

    3735 days ago

  • XAMPP: Starting Apache fail Ubuntu

    Once you install XAMMP on linux, the most common problem you face is Apache failure. To fix the issues please use following command to first stop and...ation file, should not be world writable!” Once the Xammp is installed, it might be...

    3647 days ago

  • The 5 reasons to mistakes at bioinformatics work !!!

    ...ramming, it's easy to run into complex problems that make you wonder...mistakes are so prominent that even experienced biological programme...easons will always take longer than expected and compel you to postp...ou for rescue …. Sometime an expert computer programmer to ha...

    2134 days ago