Results for "Graphs"


  • Panacus : A Counting Tool for Pangenome Graphs

    panacus is a tool for calculating statistics for GFA files. It supports GFA files with P and W lines, but requires that the graph is blunt, i.e., nodes do not overlap and consequently, each link (L) points from the end of one segment (S) to the start of ano...

    Tags: Panacus, Counting, Tool, Pangenome, Graphs, GFA

    20 days ago

  • MGRA: Breakpoint graphs and ancestral genome reconstructions

    MGRA (Multiple Genome Rearrangements and Ancestors) is a tool for reconstruction of ancestor genomes and evolutionary history of extant genomes. It takes as an input a set of genomes represented as sequences of genes (or synteny blocks) and produces such sequences for ancestral genomes at the in...

    Tags: MGRA, Breakpoint, graphs, ancestral, genome, reconstructions

    2536 days ago

  • RGFA: powerful and convenient handling of assembly graphs

    RGFA, an implementation of the proposed GFA specification in Ruby. It allows the user to conveniently parse, edit and write GFA files. Complex operations such as the separation of the implicit instances of repeats and the merging of linear paths can be performed. A typical application of RGFA is ...

    Tags: RGFA, powerful, convenient, handling, assembly, graphs, GFA

    1627 days ago

  • circosJS: d3 library to build circular graphs

    Circos is a javascript library to easily build interactive graphs in a circular layout. It's based on d3.js. It aims to be a javascript version of the Circos software. You should consider using Circos to show: relationships between entities periodical data

    Tags: circosJS, d3, library, build, circular, graphs

    2333 days ago

  • d3Network:Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R.

    Mike Bostock’s D3.js is great for creating interactive network graphs with JavaScript. The d3Network package makes it easy to create these network graphs from R. The main idea is that you should able to take an R data frame with information about the relat...

    Tags: Tools, D3, JavaScript, network, tree, dendrogram, Sankey, graphs, R

    2281 days ago

  • NovoGraph: building whole genome graphs from long-read-based de novo assemblies

    NovoGraph: building whole genome graphs from long-read-based de novo assemblies An algorithmically novel approach to construct a genome graph representation of long-read-based de novo sequence assemblies. We then provide a proof of principle by creating a genome graph of seven ethnical...

    Tags: NovoGraph, building, whole, genome, graphs, long-read-based, de novo, assemblies

    2058 days ago

  • GfaViz: flexible and interactive visualization of GFA sequence graphs

    GFA (Graphical Fragment Assembly) is an emerging standard format for representing sequence graphs. Although it was originally conceived as a format for sequence assembly (hence the name), and this remains its core application, it is more general, and able to represent many different types of sequ...

    Tags: GfaViz, flexible, interactive, visualization, GFA, sequence, graphs

    1624 days ago