Results for "omics"


  • Anvio

    In a nutshell Anvi’o is an analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. Please find the methods paper here: Anvi’o would not have been possible without the help of many people who directly or indirectly contributed to its development. ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Visualization, Platform, Omics, NGS, Anvio

    2922 days ago

  • clusterProfiler

    statistical analysis and visulization of functional profiles for genes and gene clustersBioconductor version: Release (3.3)This package implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles (GO and KEGG) of gene and gene clusters.Author: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu at>...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, clusterProfiler, GO, R, Package, Omics, Genes, Cluster

    2922 days ago

  • MIRO : miRNA omics

    The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or more generall short RNA) expression using short-read deep sequencing data. In its present implementation MIRO is especially adapted for the analysis of reads generated with the Illumina sequencing pl...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, MIRO, Omics, Genome, RNA, miRNA

    2812 days ago

  • Grinder / Biogrinder - A versatile omics shotgun and amplicon sequencing read simulator

    Grinder is a versatile program to create random shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries based on DNA, RNA or proteic reference sequences provided in a FASTA file. Grinder can produce genomic, metagenomic, transcriptomic, metatranscriptomic, proteomic, metaproteomic shotgun and amplicon datasets...

    Tags: Grinder, Biogrinder, Versatile, Omics, Shotgun, Amplicon, Sequencing, Read, simulator

    2580 days ago

  • Japanese Multi Omics Reference Panel, jMorp

    Japanese Multi Omics Reference Panel, jMorp, is a database of metabolome and proteome data in plasma obtained from volunteers in ToMMo. Metabolome data were measured by proton NMR and LC-MS, and proteome data were obtained by nanoLC-MS. We could measure several thousands of metabolites including ...

    Tags: Omics, metabolome, proteome

    2368 days ago

  • QuasiModo - Quasispecies Metric Determination on Omics

    This repository contains the scripts and pipeline that reproduces the results of the HCMV benchmarking study. In this study we evaluated genome assemblers and variant callers on 10 in vitro generated, mixed strain HCMV sequence samples, each consisting of two lab strains in different abundance ra...

    Tags: QuasiModo, Quasispecies, Metric, Determination, Omics, Virus, Genome, Variant, Assembly, SNP

    1086 days ago

  • Metabolomics and Proteomics

    Metabolomics- A realm of small molecules For detail lectures on Metabolomics:

    Tags: metabolomics, omics, proteomics, LC-MS, Mass spectrometry

    3903 days ago

  • ZENBU: a collaborative, omics data integration and interactive visualization system

    ZENBU is a data integration, data analysis, and visualization system enhanced for RNAseq, ChipSeq, CAGE and other types of next-generation-sequence-tag (NGS) based data. ZENBU allows for novel data exploration through "on-demand" data processing and interactive linked-visualizations and is a...

    Tags: ZENBU, collaborative, omics, data, integration, interactive, visualization, system

    1990 days ago