Results for "Integrated genomics"


  • Google Genomics

    Google Genomics provides an API to store, process, explore,, or the public. You decide. Google Genomics is implementing the API defined by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health for visualization,...

    3516 days ago

  • Google Genomics

    Explore genetic variation interactively. Compare entire...rtise. Store one genome or a million using Google Genomics and take advantage of the sam...e. Support emerging global standards. Google Genomics is implementing the API defin...

    3453 days ago

  • CoronaVIR: Computational Resources on Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19)

    Aim of this web site is to facilitate the scientific community to fight against severe pandemic disease COVID-19 cau...ed by experimental Researchers, who have appropriate infrastructure. It is an integrat...

    1132 days ago

  • JCVI utility libraries

    Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics.

    1120 days ago

  • Algorithms for DNA Sequencing (course offered each month)

    "We will learn computational methods -- algorithms and data structures -- for analyzing DNA sequencing data. We will learn a little about DNA, genomics, and how DNA sequencing is us...

    3234 days ago

  • MetaPred2CS

    MetaPred2CS Web server is a meta-predictor based on Support Vector Machine (SV...;in-silico two hybrid (i2h) and mirror tree (MT) methods and 4 genomics context based methods: p...

    2648 days ago

  • HiCdat

    HiCdat: a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C data analysis tool HiCdat is easy-to-use and provides solutions starting from ali...studies. It uses simple input and output formats and can therefore easily be integrat...

    3033 days ago

  • Stacks

    Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences, such as those...s RAD-seq, for the purpose of building genetic maps and conducting population genomics and phylogeography. More at...

    3020 days ago

  • Ensembl comparative genomics resources

    The Ensembl comparative genomics resources are one such reference set that facilitates comprehensive and...e family locator and different alignment views. The Ensembl comparative genomics infrastructure is extensively...

    3016 days ago

  • BUSCO: Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs

    High-throughput genomics has revolutionized biological research, however, while the number of sequ...p; These conserved orthologs are ideal candidates for large-scale phylogenomics studies, and the annotated BU...

    2945 days ago