Results for "PYthon"


  • Algorithms for DNA Sequencing (course offered each month)

    ...and data structures -- for analyzing DNA sequencing data. We will learn a little about DNA, genomics, and how DNA sequencing is used. We will use Python to implement key algorithms a...

    3256 days ago

  • scikit-learn

    Machine Learning in Python Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib Open source, commercially usable - BSD license More at  

    3038 days ago

  • Easyfig

    Easyfig has moved to github, for newer releases of Easyfig please visit our new webpage -  Easyfig is a Python application for creating linear c...

    2978 days ago

  • CNIDARIA: fast, reference-free phylogenomic clustering

    ...chieving 100% accuracy at supra-species level and 78% accuracy for species level. Availability and Implementation: Cnidaria is written in C++ and Python and is available at http://ww...

    2930 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    ...e biological data acquired through varied avenues of biological experiments. CSBB is implemented in Perl, while it also leverages the use of R and python in background for specific mo...

    2917 days ago

  • HybPiper

    ...equence capture, in which DNA sequencing libraries are enriched for gene regions of interest, especially for phylogenetics. HybPiper is a suite of Python scripts that wrap and connect...

    2789 days ago

  • CISA: Contig Integrator for Sequence Assembly

    ...d with the assemblies generated by the state-of-the-art assemblers and the hybrid assemblies merged by existing tools. This tool is implemented in Python and requires MUMmer and BLAST...

    2748 days ago

  • ScaffMatch

    ...scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The tool is written in Python 2.7. It also includes a bash...

    2750 days ago

  • Progressive Cactus

    v0.0 by Glenn Hickey ( Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package. Requirements git gcc 4.2 or newer python 2.7 wget 64bit processor and build...

    2715 days ago

  • COCACOLA (binning metagenomic contigs using sequence COmposition, read CoverAge, CO-alignment, and paired-end read LinkAge)

    ...o automatically bin contigs into OTUs. Furthermore, COCACOLA seamlessly embraces customized prior knowledge to facilitate binning accuracy. News: Python version of COCACOLA is availa...

    2666 days ago