Results for "Regions"


  • BLAST Ring Image Generator (BRIG)

    ...t of complete genomes, draft genomes or even raw, unassembled sequence data. BRIG also accepts SAM-formatted read-mapping files enabling genomic regions present in unassembled sequen...

    2801 days ago

  • HybPiper

    ...uence capture, in which DNA sequencing libraries are enriched for gene regions of interest, especially for scripts, run after the main pipeline, to also extract the intronic regions flanking each exon, investiga...

    2766 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR2tool

    ...particular interest that all WES experiments can be re-analysed using our method with the beneficial effect to identify novelCNVs in extra-exonic regions by having the full-genome CN...

    2740 days ago

  • GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing

    ...ty and correctness of both. GAM-NGS does not rely on global alignment: regions of the two assemblies represe...allows an optimal resolution of local problematic regions....

    2721 days ago

  • quickmerge: A simple and fast metassembler and assembly gap filler designed for long molecule based assemblies.

    ...embly generated with PacBio long reads alone. This is counterintuitive because illumina short reads are not typically considered to cover genomic regions which PacBio long reads canno...

    2721 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tutorial

    ...rom Sanger reads. In contrast, real genomes often have long repetitive regions, and they are hard to assembl...approach was originally proposed to handle the assembly of repetitive regions better. More at http://...

    2720 days ago

  • MCscan

    MCscan is a computer program that can simultaneously scan multiple genomes to identify homologous chromosomal regions and subsequently align these regions using genes as anchors. This is the toolset for...

    2718 days ago

  • Cgaln

    ...e-grained" alignment can explore genomic rearrangements and reduce the regions to be analyzed in the next step. The latter is devoted to detailed alignment within the limited regions found in the first stage. The...

    2656 days ago

  • GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

    ...ions typically are either realized in a linear fashion as in genome browsers or by using a circular approach, where relationships between genomic regions are indicated by arcs. Both m...

    2691 days ago

  • PANDASEQ FASTQ format with quality information. If amplification primers were used (e.g., to isolate a variable region of the 16S gene, or the constant regions around zinc finger binding re...

    2686 days ago