Results for "software"


  • EasyBuild

    EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.A full list of supported software packages is available here.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Tool, Installation, Compile, HPC, Software, EasyBuild

    2682 days ago

  • DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data

    DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA polymorphism analyses on large datasets. Among other features, the newly implemented methods allow for: (i) analyses on mu...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, DnaSP, Software, Analysis, DNA, Polymorphism

    2673 days ago

  • ERGO 2.0 Bioinformatics suites

    ERGO 2.0 provides a systems biology informatics toolkit centered on comparative genomics to capture, query, and visualize sequenced genomes.  Using Igenbio's proprietary algorithms, and the most comprehensive genomic database integrated with the largest collection of microbial metabolic and ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Suites, ERGO, Software

    2574 days ago

  • OrthoGNC: A Software for Accurate Identification of Orthologs Based on Gene Neighborhood Conservation

    Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene transfer, can cause erroneous assignment of o...

    Tags: OrthoGNC, Software, Accurate, Identification, Orthologs, Gene, Neighborhood, Conservation

    2392 days ago

  • simNGS and simLibrary – Software for Simulating Next-Gen Sequencing Data

    simNGS is software for simulating observations from Illumina sequencing machines using the statistical models behind the AYB base-calling software. By default, observations only incorporate noise due to sequencing and do not incorporate effects from more esoteric sources of noise that may be pres...

    Tags: simNGS, simLibrary, Software, Simulating, Next-Gen, Sequencing, Simulation

    2378 days ago

  • MOSS: A System for Detecting Software Similarity

    Moss (for a Measure Of Software Similarity) is an automatic system for determining the similarity of programs. To date, the main application of Moss has been in detecting plagiarism in programming classes. Since its development in 1994, Moss has been very effective in this role. The algorithm beh...

    Tags: MOSS, System, Detecting, Software, Similarity, detect, plagiarism, programming

    2367 days ago

  • EvidentialGene: tr2aacds, mRNA Transcript Assembly Software

    EvidentialGene is a genome informatics project, "Evidence Directed Gene Construction for Eukaryotes", to construct high quality, accurate gene sets for animals and plants, developed by Don Gilbert at Indiana University, see refers to the co...

    Tags: EvidentialGene, tr2aacds, mRNA, Transcript, Assembly, Software, Tools

    2217 days ago

  • EvidentialGene: tr2aacds, mRNA Transcript Assembly Software

    Quality assessment of this mRNA Transcript Assembly Software is described in EvidentialGene_quality. Too many transcript assemblies is much better than too few. It allows one then to apply biological criteria to pick out the best ones. Don't be misled by the "right number" of transcripts th...

    Tags: EvidentialGene, tr2aacds, mRNA, Transcript Assembly, Software

    2070 days ago

  • GenomeThreader: Gene Prediction Software

    GenomeThreader is a software tool to compute gene structure predictions. The gene structure predictions are calculated using a similarity-based approach where additional cDNA/EST and/or protein sequences are used to predict gene structures via spliced alignments. GenomeThreader was...

    Tags: GenomeThreader, Gene, Prediction, Software

    2068 days ago

  • GRIDSS: the Genomic Rearrangement IDentification Software Suite

    GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants based on alignment-guided positional de Bruijn gra...

    Tags: GRIDSS, Genomic, Rearrangement, IDentification, Software, Suite

    1477 days ago