Results for "B"


  • Algorithms for DNA Sequencing (course offered each month)

    ...structures -- for analyzing DNA sequencing data. We will learn a little about DNA, genomics, and how DNA...ures and to analyze real genomes and DNA sequencing datasets." Source :

    3265 days ago

  • Visual machine learning !!!

    In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predictions. More at

    3262 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Made Easy Search: Bioinformatics tools and run genomic analysis in the cloud

    InsideDNA makes hundreds of bioinformatics tools immediately available to run via an easy-to-use web interface and allows an accurate search across all functions, tools and pipelines. With InsideDNA, you can upload...

    3240 days ago

  • MetaPred2CS

    MetaPred2CS Web server is a meta-predictor based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) that combines 6 individual sequence...raction prediction methods to predict prokaryotic two-component s...p;in-silico two hybrid (i2h) and mirror tree (MT) metho...

    2679 days ago

  • LAST

    LAST can: Handle big sequence data, e.g: Compare two vertebrate genomes Align billions of DNA reads to a genome Indicate the reliability of each aligned column....late the likelihood of chance similarities between random sequences. Do s...

    3037 days ago

  • Recombination detection tool

    A program to detect recombination hotspots using population genetic data. More at

    3073 days ago

  • Microscope

    Microscope Platform user documentation. The MicroScope platform is available at this URL:

    3043 days ago

  • Alignment of closely related whole genomes/scaffolds

    ...neration sequencing technologies has led to a dramatic increase in the number of sequenced genomes for sp...ols that can quickly compare multiple whole-genome sequences, millions of base pairs in length, to aid in...

    3077 days ago

  • Ensembl comparative genomics resources comprehensive and reproducible analysis of chordate genome data. Ensembl computes pairwise and multip...and constrained elements are obtained. Gene alignments are us...ported species. Specialized web-based visualizations are and make it freely available. Database URL: http://www....

    3047 days ago


    MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline.Its purpose is to...nnotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats...ligns ESTs and proteins to a genome, produces ab-initio gene predictions and a...

    3068 days ago