Results for "Bonobo and Neandertal genome sequencing"


  • Scarpa

    Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that support...features include support for multiple libraries and an opt...

    2884 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    Function WiseScaffolder is a stand-alone semi-automatic application for genome scaffolding of pre-as...ription  WiseScaffolder includes 4 subcommands: dumpconfig generates a configu...te-pair library preprocess allows the detection and correc...

    2884 days ago

  • FQC Dashboard: Integrates FastQC results into a web-based, interactive, and extensible FASTQ quality control tool

    FQC is software that facilitates quality control of FASTQ files by carryin...protocol using FastQC, parsing results, and aggreg...designed to richly summarize individual sequen...figuration files to manipulate the pages and tabs, and is extensible with CSV dat...

    1304 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    Microbiome analysis using a single application MEGAN6 is a comprehen...rts, word clouds, Voronoi tree maps and many other charts PCoA, clustering and networ...aining hundreds of millions of a large range of analysis tools, and is under active development....

    2872 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    ...ata from multiple individuals.Genome STRiP looks both across and within a set of sequenced genomes to detect variation. The met...sets, including variations in sequencing depth, read lengths and mixtures of paired and single-end re...the method gains power across genomes and processing more genomes prov...

    2830 days ago

  • CrossMap

    CrossMap is a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between ...FF/GTF, VCF. CrossMap is designed to liftover genome coordinates between assemblie...;a program for aligning sequences to reference genome. W...

    2831 days ago

  • Bambus

    Bambus 2.0, the second generation Bambus scaffolder availab...Bambus accepts the output from most current assemblers and provides the user with great fle...ources of information include alignment to a reference genome (Ba...

    2850 days ago

  • OrganellarGenomeDRAW

    OrganellarGenomeDRAW is dedicated to convert genetic informat...formats. The application is especially optimized and adapted for the creation of high-quality, detailed circular maps of organellar genomes like the plastid genome (pl...

    2850 days ago

  • KisSplice

    KisSplice is a software that enables to analyse RNA-seq data with or without a reference genome. It is an exact local trans...llows to identify SNPs, indels and altern...mber of biological conditions, and will quantify each variant in ea...he availability of a reference genome/transcriptome and on the...

    2850 days ago

  • TGNet

    Recent technological progress has greatly facilitated de novo genome sequencing. However, de novo...quality assessment of de novo genome assemblies Citation This; Wurm (2011) Visualization and quality assessment of de novo genome assemblies. In brief, our script...

    2842 days ago